Monday, November 19, 2007

Dammit Hot Monkey Balls!!!

I am so peeved that it cost me $100 to fill up my tank. Son of a monkey ball dragon! Okay, so yes I drive a suburban, but this is insane. It used to only cost me $60-$70 and that was just last year. What the hell? I usually don't complain about the cost of gas, I have so much more stuff to complain about. But this is crazy. Yeah, I could get another car to cut down on gas but I don't want to. I love Big Blue. Yes, I've named my car. Stop hating. Blue is the best, haven't figured out the gender yet. I can pack my whole life into Blue. My boys can sit on opposite sides of the car and I don't have to turn around screaming at them to stop fighting every five minutes. The hubster has made Blue real nice to make long drives very comfortable. I don't want to lose Blue, I NEED Blue. We are one. And, besides who doesn't love a surbuban? Can you say your car was in Transformers? I think not. Okay, so Blue wasn't exactly in Transformers but it's family members were. Man, that is like the best movie ever....except for Purple Rain. Nobody can touch Prince. I've seen this movie like a million times and still get thrilled by it. BEST MOVIE EVER! And, if you don't think so...go suck an egg.


Breath of Light said...

Wow, this was the most ADD post I've read in a while. LOVE IT! My car was not in transformers, but I like her. My car is a her, with no name. And it costs me $40 to fill up the tank. I'm not gunna complain after reading this post.

Anonymous said...

Hot damn on the 100.00 to fill the tank-that's outrageous!!!! Hey, but it is probably worth it to avoid the drama associated with fighting brothers! LOL!